
tfClient - Contents for practice

When you have newly installed tfClient, or have deleted your records, there is no input history. If there are 20 records or more, your input skills and the history of your input speed will be displayed.

The text below is suitable for tfClient as the whole text is divided into 20 sections with each one having appropriate length. Please feel free to give it a try, if you would like.

Section Text Length
#1   Dancing under the blue sky was an emerald-haired girl; her singing voice went through a verdant prairie, which looked stretching endlessly, as usual.
Toward the green hill my heart and voices are going ...
  The diva with her long hair flaunting was one of the world-biggest stars that almost everyone would be envious of.
  She continued the performance, with voices resonating, and beside her were some friends of hers. Friends from way back. They, too, were world-renowned singers, so quite often they featured together. In fact, their performance was impeccable; not a mistake did they make.
#2   Having marched on for a while, they found themselves at the top of the hill. Clearly seen from the high position, the scenery downward was splendid. They seemed to have finished singing.
  "Hey, look! What a high place this is, isn't it? Our town seen so small!" said one of the friends, looking back the way they had come.
#3   At the foot of the hill, buildings painted beige stood in a row, a little bit eerie. They, however, did not feel weird about the sight at all, for, since their infancy they had resided in this area. 197
#4   Among such cookie-cutter buildings was one construction with great conspicuousness. The building was almost as big as the others. What made it distinct was three curved arrows painted on the wall, forming a regular triangle. Moreover, the entrance was nowhere to be found, which, too, was quite strange. 300
#5   Many mysteries of the building aroused much curiosity of the townspeople. One of the residents reported that he heard something being torn in the building when he was passing by, at midnight. Some thought that it accommodated contagious people, and some insisted that it was a place of "execution" for criminals sentenced to capital punishment. Be it true or not, such rumor was going around, sounding very plausible. 414
#6   Exhausted from frolicking about, the girls were gazing blankly at somewhere far in the sky with cool, or a little cold wind breezing. They felt the breeze quite comfortable as they were feeling hot all over after the long exercise. Then an arrow-shaped object flew toward the direction in which the buildings with no originality lined up.
  "It's been a while since we last saw the master working hard."
  "Yeah, he's been goofing around these days, hasn't he?"
#7   Though the district created a somewhat mysterious atmosphere, the area was not desolate nor forsaken by the people living there. The being, whom the residents called the "master" or "caretaker" with much closeness, seemed in charge of the management of the buildings and infrastructure. The master preferred "mini-plane" as a means of transportation, since the roads in the area were not well-maintained, and above all, the whole district could be clearly seen without obstacles in his vision, from the sky. 505
#8   One of the friends was following the plane, which looked like a white arrow seen from afar, with her own eyes. In fact, the master had not been seen at all, for quite a while. It seemed he was visiting some buildings to perform maintenance or inspection, which could be observed from a long distance. 298
#9   "Our performance was top-notch, wasn't it? Let's go home and keep in good shape to do our number! Our big moment is just around the corner!"
  Everyday life seemed on an even keel, or rather a little boring, and the day with much practice, which made them world-renowned stars, was about to end, as always.
#10   They got on their way back home with a little, maybe quite a little, excitement and anxiety. The sight was truly enthralling with the sun going down over the hill, painting the mound orange. They hit the hay imagining themselves pulling it off on the stage. 255
#11   The end of the ephemeral peace was drawing near. One of the girls woke up and rushed out into the prairie feeling her body refreshed, as she had nothing to do in particular for the time being. 191
#12   She kept running for a while, and found something unusual; a message written in somewhat striking color on a message board. The board itself had nothing weird, but big letters and distinctive handwriting were making the notice stand out. 236
#13   Actually, she disliked reading so much that not a bit did she take interest in ads or signboards full of text. At this time, however, the weirdness of the message grabbed her attention.
  "Hello, I am the master. How are you doing? This is all of a sudden, but I regret to say that I have bad news to tell; due to personal circumstances, the management of this district is going to terminate in one week. I will take measures to the best of my ability, but this area will no longer be secure from then on. I am awfully sorry. Please forgive me ..."
#14   After having finished reading the notice, she did not look confused at all despite the impact of the news. It was because of the fickle master; his behavior was so capricious that he often left the area untended for weeks. So she thought he again was engrossed in something else. Above all, it was April Fools' Day. She laughed at the announcement with much innocence, pointing to the message board as if to say she was not so easy to fool. 436
#15   Some of the friends who read the announcement wondered what was going on, but they continued their daily practice as hard as they used to do. There were times when disputes over their playing style arose. There were times when one of the members flubbed her performance. Nonetheless, they must have pictured the same image: the moment each of the members shows her stuff successfully and makes the stage radiant. 409
#16   The performance day was just a few days ahead. Having finished their routine earlier than always, the girls were having leisure hours and reveling in what each of them wanted to do. The people around them often saw the group going over their play eagerly, as if to be afraid of letting the brilliant reputation go. No, so they must have feared, indeed. The peaceful scene felt all the more precious for their everyday desperate effort, and was heartwarming, too. The night was so calm and still that they could have heard leaves fall, helping them fall sound asleep. 561
#17   A fresh morning, what the singers expected so much, was never to come again. Blinding light from outside the house made one of the girls wake up, and she stormed out in great surprise. What she witnessed there was apocalyptic; flames going up here and there with wind roaring. Not knowing what to do, she looked for her friends, her eyes full of tear. She found all of her friends were safe and greatly relieved, but something was going wrong. Though she was running near the roaring fire, she did not feel anything hot. Though the place must have been full of noise, not a sound was to be heard, which was quite unnatural. The next moment she saw the friends going transparent and finally invisible, in her unclear vision. Thinking she was just having a nightmare or something, she tried to snap out of it. It was then that she felt herself losing consciousness.
  "Farewell, I wish I could be reborn as a diva again ..."
#18   It was not clear how much time had passed. The diva, who once gave up her existence, came to, somewhere she did not know.
  "Where am I? I wonder what has become of me ..."
  She thought it was not a familiar sight. Looking around, she could find the rows of beige buildings and the construction with three curved arrows, which she was familiar to. Instead of lush grass, metallic blue floor stretched infinitely, which was a significant difference. Depending on the position of buildings she knew, she headed for where the message board should be. There she could meet her friends again, and shared the sense of joy for some time. The members were familiar and at the same time felt more indispensable than ever.
#19   "Hello, I am the master. I am relieved to know that you all are safe and the moving to this place is successfully done. I apologize deeply for the danger caused by my lack of planning. I should have prepared earlier." read the message board.
  The message was written in sloppy handwriting. The white arrow, which the master used every day, flew to the east, as if nothing had occurred.
  "We thought we'd be goners, but the master looks so nonchalant!"
  At the new place, their peaceful lives were reanimated.
#20   As might have been expected, the performance was put off. However, they were getting accustomed to the new environment, and restarted practicing for the big day. Feeling wholly refreshed, on the stage they all pulled it off with flying colors, showing off their virtuosity.
  Today too, their dance and singing voices captivate people all over the world.

Last Modified: 03/31/2017